What does
“Reclaim The Matrix”

If you looked up the word Matrix you’d probably see it defined as the following: “an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure.” Many people have a definition of Matrix as being the grand system of society in which we all live in, the structures that keep us contained or restricted. I can see the primary definition still reflected in this idea, just a more positive outlook. However; many people speak of “breaking free” from this Matrix. This more negative idea by this name came from the famous movies of the early 2000s that has really cool stunts and cinematic FX. You may have seen or heard of it.
If you were to look up the Etymology of the word, however, you would find that it originates from Latin and French and refers to Women, particularly of childbearing women and the Womb in of itself.

All of these ideas, honestly, reflect well in my business name and fuel my grandiose hope of women everywhere, instead of breaking free of, RECLAIMING their bodies, their lives, and their power together, in sisterhood.

My steam story

I first heard about steaming when I was about 16 years old.
My mom was into alternative healing modalities most of my life and a friend of hers recommended Bajos to her and she told me about it to see if I had interest as well. She never actually tried it then, but I always remembered it as something our ancestors must've used and I had an interest in learning more, just didn’t get around to it on my own.
Fast Forward to 2021, I'm a grown woman, a wife and a mother, and just made friends with a postpartum doula in my area (Hey, Shannon!) She recommended steaming as a postpartum healing modality. I was all about it, but I had just become pregnant with my 3rd pregnancy so I was waiting to try it for my Postpartum. I ended up miscarrying at week 10 and my friend was so sweet that she offered to do a closing of the bones ceremony and facilitate a steam session for me and support me during my healing period.

That experience honestly changed my life.

Not only was it incredibly releasing for me, concerning my miscarriage, but it was a moment and degree of self care I had never experienced, and that felt like it was something missing from my life. Not long after that I became pregnant again with my second child, 4th pregnancy, and first daughter. That was a big shift for me and I felt called to bring in more healing and intentionality for the sake of my lineage. So, during that pregnancy I researched V steaming like crazy. I came across Steamy Chick through Instagram and I just HAD to learn from Keli. I was struck because of the way she spoke about steaming being something of a cross cultural significance and the vision of women everywhere used to do this, it just further solidified my instinct that myself, and now everybody, needed to learn about steaming for their pelvic health and especially women for their feminine wellness!
I finally enrolled at Steamy Chick Institute in August 2022 after being incredibly inspired from #SteamyAugust and getting to utilize steaming throughout my postpartum after the birth of my daughter. Steaming is a beautiful and reconnecting self care practice for me. I share it with others primarily for that reason. I believe much of our society today is disconnected from the body and much of our discomfort in our bodies is due to a lack of knowing how to
care for it, how to be present in our own skin, and a lack of nourishment
in one way or another. Steaming hits all those boxes.
I also believe that through sisterhood and community we can make long lasting change for the benefit of the future generations.
Breaking chains of habits that do not serve us, breaking stereotypes, breaking through the shame we feel surrounding our bodies...in place of those things cultivating self love, loving our neighbors, cultivating and witnessing ourselves and others into the best versions of us.

I currently reside in Las Vegas, NV with my husband Aaron and our two children. My work is offered in the Las Vegas Valley and spans into Pahrump, Moapa, Overton, Sandy Valley, and Boulder City, as requested. I am very involved in my local community and attend/host mother circles and other events for women.
I grew up in a homeschooling and naturally minded community, surrounded by mothers who had their babies at home, breastfed, were homemakers or had a very strong calling to keep their children close and chose to lean into their roles as Mothers. Through this community, I attended homebirths and worked with mothers during the postpartum period. I look at the birthing year as a rite of passage and have been honored to support women in what is called Matrescence. Personally, I have had 4 pregnancies: 2 miscarriages and 2 full term births, my son in 2020 and my daughter in 2022. I had the honor of being supported by midwives during those experiences, and being on the receiving end of this care has truly shaped me through these past 5 years as a woman. I believe that it is the biggest reciprocal gift, in our roles as women, to be sisters and support other women in our communities as the cycles go on and on and on during our lives.
I am looking forward to all the friends I have not met yet! Hopefully, that includes those who read this, like you!

mothering my son

Birthing my first placenta

birthing my first placenta - Nixie photography

“the breath” after giving birth to my daughter - Nixie Photography

a recentish photo of me and my little family

-Some of my applicable education-

Cosmetology, The Aveda Institute of Las Vegas - Class of 2017

Medicinal Herbalism, The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine - 2019 - present

Peristeaming, The SteamyChick Institute - Certified PFc 2023

Womb Self Care, Matris Y Concha Indigesquela - 2023 - 2024

Currently, I am studying my roots and am very passionate about radical womb health, radical feminine health reclamation
(hence my business name) also modalities in birthwork that focus on supporting women through pregnancy, miscarriages, postpartum recovery when there are complications in birth. I’m a bookworm and cam currently reading loads of books on Traditional food-ways, Indigenous Wisdoms, and always invested in the never ending learning that is Herbalism.

As a devotee to the spiral path of discovery with my own womb wellness through my fertility and child bearing, I am always connecting the dots and weaving the threads that life brings together between my own experiences to help guide and witness other women on their own paths. I have attended homebirths, and worked as a postpartum support since I was a teenager. Currently, I am not focused on working as a birth doula, I believe in the magic that is women supporting other women through rites of passage though and am so happy to support those who align with the work I feel called to do in the reaches of community.


I’m here to support you
on your path to
Reclaim your Feminine Wellness


  • Peristeaming is a cross-cultural and traditional self-care practice. The process involves boiled water with or without steeped herbs OR burning herbs to create a smoke, whereby the user stands, sits, or kneels over the steam or smoke, gently exposing their pelvic region.

    Other common names for peristeaming include, but are not limited to: Vaginal Steaming, Yoni Steaming, Chai-Yok, Bajos, or Pelvicsteaming.

  • Appointments with me range from 45 minutes-2 hours. The setup and duration of steaming takes anywhere from 20-50 minutes from start to finish. Peristeaming duration depends on the personal needs of the user. Typically first time steams are 10 minutes, but a steam duration can last up to 30 minutes.

  • Everyone has their own personal journey and reasons to try peristeaming. Some common reasons are period pain, infertility, postpartum recovery, missed periods, organ prolapse, painful sex, rectal or digestive issues, surgery recovery, miscarriage recovery, and SO MANY MORE.

  • The scary part of building commmunity is putting yourself out there, BUT it is the only way you can meet new people. There are so many resources out there, Facebook Groups, INstagram Accounts, TikToks, following Hashtags, Library events, Churches, so many ways to find community. The first step is to find an event or topic that peaks your interest, and then show up!

  • YOU are the ONLY expert when it comes to your body. I am not here to tell you what to do. I am here to make it a little bit easier to find and utilize wellness practices, and since it is a passion of my own to reconnect with MY body and become rooted in alternative health pathways, It may save you WEEKs-even months worth of researching if you don’t know where to start.

    I come about feminine wellness from a support perspective. It’s not about anyone being more qualified, it’s about holding space and sharing with others so they can walk the spiral path home to the best version of themselves.

Monica Sjöö

“In a world that worships specialists, how strange that men refuse to recognize women as the specialists in our own bodies and processes, and allow us to function accordingly.”

Rachael Reed

“the nature of all women is to be in connection with our bodies, the cosmos, and our creative energy.”