No More Sad Wombs

It’s time to reclaim the matrix

The next generation of women depend on us to do the work of reconnecting with our own bodies and witnessing the power and beauty of our wombs. They need us to support them on their journey through life and to show them that feminine wellness is important. They are looking to us as an example of what empowered women look like, and what the world can be through sisterhood over competition. The patriarchal β€œmatrix” our ancestors were displaced by over thousands of years, that we are all still suffering from the effects of today, cannot be the end of the story.
From conception to death, we are in a constant state of cycles, so many of us today are disconnected from these cycles and tend to believe that their bodies are against them, but I’m here to deconstruct that belief and to cultivate a radical shift in the way my community sees wom(b)anhood.

There’s a lil bit of everything and something for 
everyone here, Welcome!

This site is a collective of all my offerings to my community. Stuff changes up seasonally and cyclically,
Think of it as a Holistic approach to Women-owned Business!

Stay Tuned for Recipes, possibly a podcast, new herbal brews, and free workshops.